Donate to Pure Water

Quench the thirst of those in need

Humans in Need is an international organisation dedicated to facilitating the supply of clean water to areas of the world where it is inaccessible. There is more than enough clean water to help those who do not have it. The millions of people who are denied this “human right” are denied opportunities and their lives threatened from drinking water that is compromised. This is a major issue in the developing world and will continue to be so until intervention takes place.

The Pure Water H20 project will focus primarily on the countries of Ghana, Bangladesh and Lebanon, working for the public benefit, we will raise money through social media, networking, go fund me etc and then use our contacts within those countries to install the water wells and ensure they are placed well within the local community for easy and fair access. We will ensure that the local communities are trained in looking after and maintaining the wells through training. We will ensure that they are empowered into doing this maintaining themselves so that they take ownership of this task. 

Our contacts will send us a full impact report to show how the wells are making a positive contribution to the local populations. We intend to purchase our own drilling machine to create the boreholes as well. Our ambition is to install at least 100 water wells each year and increase that number as we increase our funding. The cost of each water well is £3500. We want to support local communities to have access to safe clean water, to be invested in the project and ensure that these wells last for future generations to come. This is also to drive rural community development and through the creation of these water wells, empower the local community to thrive and develop, to overcome poverty and sickness.

Humans In Need create electric boreholes which include lifetime maintenance for £3500. Donate today and reap the eternal reward for providing fresh safe clean water for for human consumption.

Pure Water

Our wells support everyone from rural villages to large communities.


Transform lives by donating. Your donation to Humans In Need brings hope, health and happiness to communities in need. 
Be the ripple of change and donate today.
